Men, Weight Loss and Cosmetic Surgery
These days it seems most Americans are working on improving their health, and for many, that means slimming down. It also means that as the pounds drop away, saggy skin and stubborn fat deposits are often left behind.
Read more about plastic surgery after weight loss for men
Dr. Elliot Jacobs works with both men and women in New York interested in cosmetic surgery after weight loss for the “finishing touches” body contouring can provide. And due to his unusual amount of experience with the male body, Dr. Jacobs has expertise to offer that guys may not be able to find elsewhere.
Men have sought his skills for more than thirty years—for male breast reduction, liposuction and more. Those and other forms of cosmetic surgery are often on the menu for guys who lose weight. Visit our website dedicated to men and their aesthetic concerns, including cosmetic surgery after weight loss. Then, fill out our contact form to start a conversation about your needs. We will be pleased to meet you, congratulate you on your efforts and see how we can help.
The Male Body and Weight Loss
Every person is different, and everyone loses weight in his or her own unique way. That said, there tend to be some commonalities guys share when they shed pounds. More so than women, men often gain a great deal of fat in their abdominal area, stretching the skin dramatically. Guys frequently suffer from man boobs that persist after weight loss as well. In contrast, women’s trouble spots tend to be widely distributed from the face to the knees.
Procedures You May Want to Consider
Male breast reduction is the leading form of cosmetic surgery we perform for men as they approach or achieve their goal weight. Tummy tuck surgery, or abdominoplasty, is another popular choice. In both cases, it’s very typical for guys to have redundant skin that needs to be eliminated. Fat pockets can persist in both areas, and breast gland tissue may have grown, triggered by the hormones fat cells produce.
Depending on a person’s age and skin quality, facelift surgery can be a good option after weight loss for tightening up cheeks and jowls. We also offer arm lifts and thigh lifts for the right patient.
Benefits of Cosmetic Surgery After Weight Loss
If you have undergone massive weight loss, you obviously care about your health. You have reason to feel proud of your achievement—reaching an ideal weight is not easy!
Even if getting healthy motivates you as much or more as improving your appearance, you don’t need to feel that cosmetic surgery is a frivolous move. People who lose dozens of pounds realize many benefits of plastic surgery after weight loss. Skillfully performed, it can eliminate chafing skin, rashes and infections. It can lift a few more burdensome pounds from your frame, reducing aches and pains.
Our post weight loss patients enjoy buying clothing that actually fits their form. They also find it easier to exercise in comfort, helping them maintain their hard won good health.
It is rewarding to work with men and women who have battled back from obesity, whether through bariatric surgery or a program of diet and exercise or both. It’s is a great pleasure to play a role in helping someone reclaim they life they deserve. And when people need staged surgery, as some weight loss patients do, we very much enjoy the ongoing partnership.
Ready to find out more? Give us a call at 212-570-6080. If you just have a few questions at this point, fill out our contact form and we’ll respond. Please note that we offer a “fly in for surgery” program if you live out of our area.