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Browlift #1
Many patients looking for rejuvenation of the eyes don't realize that the procedure they need is actually a brow lift. New York plastic surgeon Dr. Jacobs performs dozens of brow lifts each year.
Browlift #2
Even younger patients can benefit from a brow lift. Lifting the skin of the forehead can restore an alert, alive appearance.
Browlift #3
This patient came to see Dr. Jacobs for a combination brow lift and eyelid tuck. Her results were quite remarkable.
Browlift #4
Women and men who are weary of hearing they look tired or even angry often elect a browlift in New York with Dr. Jacobs. It is a safe, straightforward procedure.
Browlift #5
Although this woman is relatively young, she noticed her eyes were showing signs of aging. Dr. Jacobs performed a brow lift to open up the eye area and give the eyebrows a more pleasing, youthful position.
Browlift #6
A browlift can rejuvenate the eyes while retaining a natural look for the lids and eyebrows.
Browlift #7
By combining a browlift with a mid facelift, this patient achieved a more youthful look while still appearing quite natural.