Breast Lift for Many Types of Women
Cosmetic surgery procedures that rejuvenate the appearance are some of the most highly rated elective surgeries around. Take a look at RealSelf, the website where patients review their operations, and you’ll see what we mean. Facelifts, neck lifts, tummy tucks and other procedures that give patients back a youthful appearance are very satisfying to people who elect them, with most of these surgeries rated at or near 95% approval.
We perform all these procedures in our fully accredited plastic surgery suite in New York, and breast lift surgery, also called mastopexy, is one of the most gratifying for us. Allow us to explain.
It’s quite natural for people to notice the signs of aging first in some areas of the face and neck. Crow’s feet, “parentheses” around the mouth and a saggy neck can be obvious when you confront your face every day in the mirror, and when we perform facial plastic surgery, patients are usually extremely pleased with the results. Some women evaluate their entire body as the years pass, and these patients often notice that saggy breasts really contribute to an aging, “frumpy” look. After a breast lift in New York with us, it is truly rewarding to see a patient turn this way and that in a full-length mirror, admiring her new profile.
But don’t think mastopexy is just for older women. If you browse the RealSelf reviews, you’ll notice that patients in their 20’s and 30’s also elect the procedure. Some have had children and find their breasts “deflated” and droopy after pregnancy weight fluctuation and breastfeeding. Others simply say their breasts have never looked perky and they’ve wanted to do something about them for years. Patients with these concerns also leave our offices with a new bounce to their step after surgery.
Other people who often consider a breast lift are patients who have lost a great deal of weight. Women know that breasts change easily with weight gain and loss, and skin doesn’t bounce back very readily. For these women, mastopexy can make a huge difference both physically and psychologically. Often patients elect to have small implants placed during surgery to restore lost volume.
Finally, women with tuberous breasts (sometimes called tubular breasts) often choose breast surgery. Suffering from constricted tissue at the base of the breasts that forces growth outward and down, these patients often say they’re hoping to achieve rounder, fuller breasts that seem more “normal” in shape. In these cases, cosmetic surgery is a delicate procedure. It often involves releasing tight tissues, placing a small implant and lifting the entire breast, all at the same time. It takes skill and experience working with tuberous breasts to achieve the best outcome for these women.
Because there’s such variety in patients’ “before” breasts as well as their goals for surgery, breast lift procedures require a high degree of customization. Fortunately there’s more than one approach to offer. If you elect to come see us about a breast lift, we’ll examine you and explain all the decision factors, then work with you to plan surgery that’s just right.
No matter what our ultimate strategy turns out to be, know that breast lift surgery is safe and requires a recovery period that’s not difficult. You can expect to need about a week away from work, and you’ll have some bruising and swelling to manage for the first few days. Your breasts will also feel tight and high on your torso for a time, but you can expect to be pleased with your new shape in a few days and very satisfied as your tissues settle into place over a few weeks.
Give us a call to find out more about breast lift in New York with our team: 212-570-6080.